Arthur's Column


16 January 1996
If you are confused about why exactly the Munich Beerfest was taking so long, then I understand!

Deepest apologies dear readers, and I must particularly apologise to those who emailed me asking why I have not written for so long.

I have unfortunately been posted out of the country for the past few months, which made writing about London pubs very difficult as I wasn't anywhere near them. Now that I am still out of the country (and am likely to be so for some time) I feel that the time has come to diversify and talk not just about Life in London, but Life in general!

I have also decided to update the column on a more ad-hoc basis. This goes against my principles, but is a neccesary evil as I find it impossible to write on a weekly basis.

I am currently based in Liechtenstein, a small country perched between Switzerland and Austria. A country with many wonderful pubs, although quite different to the UK, there is much to write about here.

Liechtenstein is a country in Western Europe bordering Austria and separated from Switzerland by the Rhine River. It is one of the smallest independent sovereign states of Europe, along with San Marino in Italy and Andorra in the Pyrenees between France and Spain. The entire country is only about 16 miles long and 4 miles wide and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA). In the lower part of the country, the area alongside the Rhine is very flat and fertile. More than half of the country consists of snow-capped mountains reaching up to 8,000 ft. We have already had the pleasure of skiing in Malbun - a small resort in the Liechtenstein mountains.

The country maintains close relations with Switzerland, sharing customs, currency and postal systems. This practice has enabled Liechtenstein to share in Switzerland's prosperity and, along with Liechtenstein's own industrial development, gives its citizens one of the world's highest per capita incomes. The Prince of Liechtestein is one of the richest men in the world. The previous Prince, who died in 1989, was the world's longest reigning monarch.

There you go then! Lots of facts about Liechtenstein. You may wish to visit some local sites:

InterLotto - Internet Lottery

Local Internet provider

Next time more about the pubs.



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